February 2024 news

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Here are the highlights of this month's newsletter :

  • New visibility offer for certified camps
  • Sustained presence of the ACQ in the media
    Major change Form
  • Certification and Compliance Visits 2024
  • Renewal of support programs for camps welcoming clients with special needs

New visibility offer for certified camps

Discover the new Media Kit to find out about our enhanced advertising offer for certified ACQ members.

The kit is only accessible to certified members. Log in to your account to access it.

Reserve advertising space

Certified camps can reserve their advertising by contacting Valérie Desrosiers, communications coordinator.

[email protected]

1 800 361-3586 ou 514-252-3113, extension 3652

Sustained presence of the ACQ in the media


Last December the journalist at J.E., Marie-Claude Paradis-Desfossés, contacted the ACQ to obtain its reactions and additional information concerning the events that occurred at Sunset Ranch, a non-member camp of the ACQ, following numerous denunciations of malpractice that campers experienced. Our discussions led to an interview with Éric Beauchemin, Executive director of the ACQ on the show J.E. broadcasted on February 9 on TVA.

Since then, Éric has given numerous interviews, including a radio interview on 98.5 FM on February 13. Thomas Le Page-Gouin and Shauna Joyce, president and vice-president of the ACQ board, have also spoken in the media.

Letter of Opinion

Taking advantage of this visibility, the ACQ published a Letter of Opinion on February 12 in which we recommend that the government regulate day and sleepaway camps in the province. This involves establishing minimum requirements for obtaining an operating permit to protect the integrity and safety of participants.

Major change Form

Declaration of major changes

Member camps must inform the ACQ of any major change occurring within their organization such as a new owner, new management, new location or site, new program, etc.

To comply with the Membership Policy and help us:

  • Keeping our database up to date
  • Communicate up-to-date information to the public
  • Prepare certification or evaluation visits;

We ask you to confirm these major changes using the form at the bottom of the page and to send it by email to [email protected] by May 1, 2024.

Certification and Compliance Visits 2024

Are we visiting you this summer?

if not received, the Association des camps du Québec (ACQ) will shortly notify the organizations that will be visited by a consultant this summer following;

  • a new membership application (certification or reference framework)
  • a membership renewal
  • one or more major changes such as: new ownership, new management, new location or new site, new program, etc.

Watch your emails!

Renewal of support programs for camps welcoming clients with special needs

The Mirella and Lino Saputo Foundation renews its support to the Association des camps du Québec (ACQ) to conduct two support programs for camps welcoming clients with special needs and has also created a third support program.

Program to improve work tools and living environments for animation staff ($205,000)

Program objectives:

  • Optimize the equipment required to facilitate care support and intervention for clients with special needs.
  • Optimize the quality of the clientele’s camp experience.
  • Improve the living environments of staff working in camps with accommodation.
  • Contribute to staff retention and recognition of staff commitment.

The eligible camps will therefore share the envelope of $205,000 to acquire entertainment, intervention and care equipment, and to improve the living and resting environments of the staff.

Destination Camp - support for people with special needs to go to camp ($100,000)

Program objectives:

  • Address the lack of financial resources at the provincial level to support people with special needs.
  • Ensure continuity of services for clients with special needs and their families.
  • Offering people with special needs a space for personal achievement and pleasure, thanks to the experience of a camp stay.

Eligible camps will therefore share the $100,000 envelope which will then be redistributed to families or participants who need financial support to pay for a camp stay.

NEW! Programming enrichment program in camps welcoming clients with special needs ($150,000)

Program objective:

Enrich the programming offered to people with special needs by allowing them to develop new skills, acquire new knowledge, and have new experiences.

The camps were invited to submit a structuring project that will improve the programming offered to their clientele. A jury will determine the three winning projects who will receive $50,000 each for the realization of their project.


Contact Josée Piquette, project coordinator

[email protected]

1 800 361-3586 ou 514-252-3113, extension 1026

Publié le 22 février 2024