June 2023 news
Actualités - English news

ACQ annual congress
This years theme: Surnaturel - Par-delà le fantastique des camps . It’s with great pleasure that the ACQ invites you to its annual congress which will take place in Victoriaville, from November 14th to 16th, as well as to the pre-congress on November 13th, 2023. This must-see networking and learning event annually brings together more than 300 camp professionals from across the province and beyond! By participating, you will have the chance to hear speeches from inspiring specialists, fill your backpack with rich knowledge and take part in stimulating discussions and activities.
We are convinced that you will emerge triumphant from this journey!
Registrations and accommodation
Registration will begin in August, with the publication of the full congress program. Again, this year, you will be responsible for reserving your accommodation (a preferential rate was negotiated by the ACQ). Therefore, since the number of participants is growing exponentially and the hotel with more than 150 rooms was reserved before the pandemic, the ACQ anticipates that some people may have to stay in a nearby hotel (extra rooms have been reserved). By favoring double occupancy of the rooms, it will allow a greater number of participants to stay on the congress premises.
The application period for the ACQ awards is underway
The ACQ Awards are presented annually, this is to highlight the exceptional quality and liveliness of the camp industry in Quebec. Submit an application by September 29th 2023.
Archery in Camp - Manager's Guide
Now available, a document prepared by the Fédération de tir à l'arc du Québec (FTAQ), in collaboration with the ACQ, the objective is to support managers in upgrading and developing archery sites in the camps.
The guide presents:
- maps and illustrations of the sites
- a complete glossary
- maintenance techniques
- aids for purchasing materials and equipment
Of course, you will also find information on safety, support for different clienteles and adaptive measures.
To consult this free guide for members, log on to the ACQ website and do a search in the tools for managers with the keywords "archery".
Free Resources for camp counselors
Discover PeP ton jeu!, le Repère culturel, Urgences en camp et Kali au camp, 4 essential resources for your counselors!
Managers ready for anything!
Preventive measures are ready to be implemented for a camp to be incidents proof (almost!) for your activities, transportation, environment or behavior.
International Camping Congress
The International Camping Fellowship congress will be held in Tarragona, Spain from October 4th to 8th.
The theme “Fem Pinya – Come Together to Rise Higher” reflects the UNESCO-recognized cultural heritage of human towers. It also points to a bright future for professional camps around the world. (je suis aller chercher ceci directement sur le site)
The congress is a unique chance to meet industry professionals from all over the world.
The Quebec delegation already has more than 15 people.
Interested in joining the event?
Already registered?
ACQ summer schedule
Please note our summer schedule will begin on June 24th and end on September 4th 2023:
- Monday to Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Friday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Saturday and Sunday: closed
- Closed on June 23 (Saint-Jean-Baptiste) and June 30 (Confederation)
Publié le 12 juin 2023