July 2024 news

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Here are the highlights of this month's newsletter:

  • Whooping cough: Prevention and procedures for camps
  • The census of municipal day camps is underway throughout Quebec
  • ACQ Awards
  • ACQ Conference: book your accommodation!

Whooping cough: Prevention and procedures for camps

Whooping cough is currently circulating throughout Quebec and camps are no exception.

Consult the ACQ tool sheet to determine the preventive measures to adopt and the procedures to follow if you detect symptoms.

Consult the tool (French only)

The census of municipal day camps is underway throughout Quebec

The Réseau des unités régionales de loisir et de sport (RURLS) and the ACQ are organizing a major census of municipal day camps in Quebec in 2024.

Your collaboration is requested

The municipal sector and delegations in Quebec will receive an email from their URLS agent who will provide them with the necessary information to participate in this important census. Relevant organizations are required to respond to questions by the end of September.

Importance of the census

The participation of all relevant communities is required to obtain a clear and precise portrait of municipal day camps in Quebec.

The issues related to welcoming clients with special needs and sharing school infrastructure must be better documented, and this census is an essential tool to achieve this.

Have any question?

Contact Anne-Frédérique Morin, assistant executive director.

[email protected]

1 800 361-3586 or 514-252-3113, ext. 1020

ACQ Awards

The nomination period for the 2024 ACQ Awards is still ongoing and will be open until September 27 at 5 p.m.

To find out everything about the ACQ Awards, the regulations, the evaluation methods and the nomination steps, visit the following pages:

Distinction Award (French only)

Excellence Award (French only)

ACQ Conference: book your accommodation!

Book your accommodation now at the Hôtel Universel in Rivière-du-Loup and mention the code 241111ASSCAMPS to obtain a room starting at $135 per night, a preferential rate for conference participants.

We suggest choosing double occupancy rooms to reduce accommodation costs and allow more participants to stay on the congress premises.

1 800 265-0072

[email protected]

Publié le 12 juillet 2024