January 2024 news

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Here are the highlights of this month's newsletter :

  • Welcome new members of 2023!
  • 2024 renewal – Municipal members
  • Registrations for Destination C.A.M.P. starts NOW!

Welcome new members of 2023!

It is now time to recap the summer 2023 visits and welcome our new members into the big family of the Association des camps du Québec!

The annual cycle of compliance and certification visits

In the summer of 2023, nearly 250 camp visits took place!

190 organizational visits in the Reference Framework program (cities, districts, community centers, etc.)

59 organization visits in the certification program (independent organizations)

Among these visits, more than 30 new organizations joined as new members of the ACQ in 2023.

We officially welcome …

Newly compliant municipal day camps of 2023

  • Centre des loisirs de la Côte-des-Neiges

  • Municipalité Les Coteaux

  • Municipalité d'Hébertville

  • Municipalité de Mont-Carmel

  • Municipalité de Sainte-Élisabeth

  • Municipalité de Saint-Siméon

  • Municipalité de Sainte-Sophie

  • Service animation jeunesse de l'Outaouais (SAJO)

  • Ville d'Alma

  • Ville de Baie-Comeau

  • Ville de Bonaventure

  • Ville de Carleton-sur-Mer

  • Ville de Saint-Antonin

  • Ville de Saint-Colomban

  • Ville de Shawinigan

  • Ville de Métabetchouan-Lac-À-la-Croix

  • Ville de Saint-Lin-Laurentides

Management organizations delegated via a newly compliant city or district in 2023

  • Association régionale de Soccer de Concordia - Camps sportifs de l'île de Montréal

  • Atelier 850 - Arrondissement Sud-Ouest

  • Club de Basketball Les Tornades - Ville de Longueuil

  • Club Gymslic - Arrondissement Saint-Laurent

  • Club de gymnastique artistique Gadbois - Arrondissement Sud-Ouest

  • Équipe RDP - Arrondissement Rivière-des-Prairies-Pointe-Aux-Trembles

  • La Saison du Passeur - Ville de Richelieu

New certified camps in 2023

  • Camp de jour de Radio-Canada

  • Camp de jour Excursion Urbaine

  • Collège Notre-Dame

  • Corporation de l'Espoir

  • Groupe La Haute Voltige

  • Gymno Montréal

  • Laurus Summer Camp

  • Les CampsRep & Division Sports-Rep

  • Musée de la Santé Armand-Frappier

Congratulations on your new member status!

We are delighted to welcome you and hope to have you among our members for many years!

Consult the certified camp: camps certifiés

Consult the updated list of compliant municipal camps

Still not a member of the ACQ? See how to become one by clicking here :

Become a member

2024 renewal – Municipal members

Renew your membership as a municipal member for the year 2024 before February 1st.

On January 15, representatives of ACQ member organizations in the Reference Framework program received an email concerning the renewal of membership as a municipal member for the year 2024. If you are not a representative of your organization, it is therefore normal that you have not received this information, because it is the responsibility of the representative to proceed with the renewal.

How to renew

Renewal is carried out from an external platform to the ACQ website. To access it, click on the link in the email sent to your organization's representative or click on the “I renew now” button below.

To assist you in the process, we invite you to read the procedure which was sent by email which explains step by step how to carry out your renewal: from the creation of your account to the last response to the form.

What should I do if I have forgotten the information to log in to the renewal platform?

Since renewal is done on an independent platform of the ACQ website, we have no way of finding access to your account on this platform. This is not a problem since you can easily create a new account.


If you have not received the renewal email or have questions about it, contact Hugo Filiatrault : [email protected], Coordonnateur des programmes liés à la conformité.

Registrations for Destination C.A.M.P. starts NOW!

Thanks to Destination C.A.M.P., teenagers can stay in summer camp for several summers for a fraction of the price.

Participants must submit the registration form (available in English) by March 28, 2024.

Help us spread the word about the program by talking about Destination C.A.M.P. on your social networks!

Publié le 24 janvier 2024