April 2023 news
English news

Here are the highlights of this month's newsletter :
The deadline for becoming an ACQ member is quickly approaching
Speakers wanted – ACQ 2023 congress
A grant for UrsaMajor
20 special needs sheets have been updated!
End of 2022 exceptional measures and 2023 derogation requests
The deadline for becoming an ACQ member is quickly approaching
The deadline to become a member of the ACQ is April 30th, 2023. The next membership cycle will begin next October.
Consult “Devenir membre” (French only) page or contact your program manager by email.
Speakers wanted – ACQ 2023 congress
The Association des camps du Québec (ACQ) is looking for speakers for its annual conference in Victoriaville from November 14th to 16th, 2023 (conferences in French and English sought). This event annually brings together more than 300 camp professionals from across Quebec.
Do you want to share your knowledge or know someone who would be a perfect speaker?
Apply using the following link :
A grant for UrsaMajor
Great news! The Quebec Ministry of Education and Centraide of Greater Montreal have joined forces to facilitate access to the very first training program for camp managers in Quebec.
UrsaMajor will be able to count on an investment of $22,500 over two years from the MEQ and an amount of $75,000 over five years from CGM.
In addition to covering all of the registration fees for the first 5 cohorts, the renewed financial support of these two major partners will ensure the management and coordination of the program, the costs associated with the training platform, the improvement of content as well as mentor fees.
* UrsaMajor is only available in French
To learn more about UrsaMajor and register for the next cohort :
20 special needs sheets have been updated!
20 technical sheets from the "Vers une intégration réussie" collection have been updated.
"Vers une intégration réussie" technical sheets allow the counselors and support staff to better understand the disorders and disabilities most frequently encountered in camp (allergies, anxiety, down's syndrome, ADHD, etc.) and intervene appropriately with people with special needs.
A great resource to share with your team to be well prepared for the summer!
Note that "Vers une intégration réussie" is only available in French.
End of 2022 exceptional measures and 2023 derogation requests
In 2022, the Association des camps du Québec (ACQ) authorized its members to put in place exceptional measures concerning human resources, particularly in terms of prerequisites required for hiring camp staff. These measures are no longer applicable in 2023.
However, it is possible for a member camp to request a waiver for the hiring of candidates who do not meet the prerequisites governed by the standards and guidelines of the ACQ.
The camp must complete the derogation form which the link will be sent by email on May 1st. The camp will be asked for the reason for selecting the candidate as well as information on the compensation measures that will be put in place in order to properly assess your request.
To find out about the ACQ's standards and guidelines, consult the standards manuel for certified camps or the Reference framework for municipal day camps.
The majority of resources and tools from the ACQ are available in French only. For any additional translation needs, please contact us by email at [email protected].
Publié le 20 avril 2023