September 2024 news


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Here are the highlights of this month's newsletter:

  • Last chance to submit an application for the ACQ awards!
  • Active Population Program: submit your project!
  • Camp visits 2024 – Results are in!
  • The census of municipal day camps continues

Last chance to submit an application for the ACQ awards!

The nomination period for the 2024 ACQ Awards is ending soon! Submit your application before September 27 at 5 p.m.

To learn everything about the ACQ Awards, the regulations, the evaluation methods and the nomination steps, visit the following pages:

Distinction Award (French only)

Excellence Award (French only)

Active Population Program: submit your project!

The submission period for the AQLPH (Association québécoise pour le loisir des personnes handicapées) of the Active Population program is open! You could get up to $9,500 for the acquisition of recreational and sports equipment intended for the practice of sports or fueling for clientele with special needs.

Active population… What is it?

It is an AQLPH funding program which aims to encourage and support organizations in the leisure sector for people with disabilities in promoting the practice of recreational and sporting activities in their community.

Unite around common goals

  • Promote regular practice of recreational and sporting activities among less physically active populations.

  • Make durable equipment accessible, in good condition and safe, and in sufficient quantity to encourage the regular practice of recreational and sporting activities.

  • Encourage local purchasing through the acquisition of recreational and sporting equipment.

The maximum amount of financial assistance, non-recurring is $9,500 per organization.

In this new fiscal year, all organizations meeting the eligibility criteria can submit a new project.

Submit a project

To submit a project, complete the online form before October 4, 2024 at 4 p.m.

Camp visits 2024 – Results are in!

This year, Association des camps du Québec, thanks to its team of dedicated consultants, carried out a total of 219 visits to different camps throughout Quebec:

  • 137 compliance visits (municipalities, towns and community centers)

  • 82 certification visits (independent organizations – Summer camps, family camps, day camp, etc.)

The main objective of a certification or compliance visit is to verify that the camp meets the safety and quality criteria established by the ACQ. It is also an opportunity for our member camps to benefit from the expertise of our team of consultants, to address the situations and issues encountered in the field, and to benefit from the resulting exchanges and discussions.


A huge thank you to our field team of 38 consultants who each year travel across Quebec to discover new camps.

Thank you to the 13 day camp agents from the Unités régionales de loisirs et de sports for their support as part of the partnership established for the camp support project with the URLS Network.

Thank you also to the entire ACQ program team for ensuring the coordination of these visits and post-visit follow-ups: Sandy Duncan for certification, Hugo Filiatrault for compliance, and Tanya Desrochers, program management.

Finally, we would like to congratulate all ACQ member camps that participated in the visit process this summer. Membership at the ACQ is voluntary, we sincerely thank you for devoting your time and efforts to continually improve the quality of the camp industry in Quebec. We hope that the enriching exchanges with your consultants will have a positive impact on your respective organizations.

Questions about visits?

Contact your program coordinator:

Hugo Filiatrault, compliance programs coordinator
1 800 361-3586 or 514-252-3113, #3933

Sandy Duncan, certification-related programs coordinator
1 800 361-3586 or 514-252-3113, #1024

The census of municipal day camps continues

The Réseau des unités régionales de loisir et de sport (RURLS) and the ACQ are organizing a major census of municipal day camps in Quebec in 2024.

Your collaboration is requested

The municipal sector and delegations in Quebec will receive an email from their URLS agent who will provide them with the necessary information to participate in this important census. Relevant organizations are required to respond to questions by the end of September.

Importance of the census

The participation of all relevant communities is required to obtain a clear and precise portrait of municipal day camps in Quebec.

The issues related to welcoming clients with special needs and sharing school infrastructure must be better documented, and this census is an essential tool to achieve this.

Have any question?

Contact Anne-Frédérique Morin, assistant executive director.
1 800 361-3586 or 514-252-3113, ext. 1020

Publié le 20 septembre 2024